1) What should you do to capture a fast-moving subject? a) A) Increase the shutter speed b) B) Decrease the aperture size c) C) Use a wide-angle lens d) D) Adjust the white balance 2) What is the "golden hour" in photography, and why is it important? a) A) The time when the sun is highest in the sky; ideal for dramatic shadows b) B) The time just after sunset; perfect for capturing colorful skies c) C) The time just before sunset and after sunrise; soft and warm lighting d) D) The time when the moon is visible; great for night photography 3) When taking a portrait, what's an essential tip for achieving pleasing results? a) A) Use a wide-angle lens for a unique perspective b) B) Shoot in direct sunlight for sharp images c) C) Engage the subject to capture a natural expression d) D) Always use a flash for better lighting 4) What's the purpose of using the "rule of thirds" in composition? a) A) To divide the image into equal sections b) B) To center the subject for balance c) C) To create a visually pleasing and balanced composition d) D) To emphasize the background over the foreground 5) How can you achieve a long exposure effect to capture flowing water or light trails at night? a) A) Use a fast shutter speed b) B) Set a small aperture (low f-number) c) C) Increase the ISO setting d) D) Use a tripod and slow down the shutter speed 6) When taking candid photos of people, what's an important guideline to follow? a) A) Always ask for permission before taking the photo b) B) Use a telephoto lens for close-ups c) C) Ensure the subject is aware of the camera d) D) Use a flash to capture candid moments

Photography quiz. Intermediate plus. esl warm-up


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