1) Auxiliary verbs work with a) main verbs b) adjectives c) nouns 2) Plugged in a) Down to earth b) Not to be serious c) connected by technology 3) Someone who doesn’t get upset easily a) laid back b)  loner  c) straightforward 4) you still go to the gym every day? a) Does b) Do c) Have 5) Jamal already ............... charged his  phone a) Has b) Have c) Do 6) We are downloading an antivirus right now a) Are b) Do c) Has 7) A do not check my email when I’m in vacation a) Do b) Have c) Was 8) Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms a) T b) F 9) The Radiator is leaking it needs to be a) Fix b) Fixing c) Fixed 10) Social network is...........way to stay connected with friends. a) The Best b) Best c) Good 11) WU? a) laughing out loud b) What’s up c) bye for now 12) How on earth a) wait a moment b) how is it possible  c) understand 13) get it a) understand b) wait a moment c) how is it possible 14) lila got her room.... a) painted b) paint c) painting 15) He is having a) repaired his car b) his car repaired c) repairing his car 16) the weather today is............ than it was yesterday. a) worse b) bad c) the worst 17) Use have or get, with the past participle, when someone else preforms the service for you a) T b) F



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