Describe Andy and Mary. - Andy and Mary were twins. They were thirteen years old, but they weren't the same; Andy was taller with short red hair and blue eyes. Mary was shorter with long dark hair and big brown eyes. Andy was very interested in the Book of Kells; Mary wasn't., Where were they at the beginning of the story? - They were in the city of Dublin, Ireland., What did Mary want to buy? What was the problem when she paid? - Mary wanted to buy a red t-shirt. The problem was that in England money wasn't the same (there they have pounds instead of euros). So she didn't know how to recognize if money was real or forged. , Who gave Mary the forged note? - The shop assistant gave Mary the forged note (when she gave Mary the change after paying for the t-shirt), Where did Andy and Mary go after the ice-cream shop? What did they say to Miss O'Brien? - They went to the hotel to talk to Miss O'Brien. They told her about the forged note. Miss O'Brien told them that she was going to call the police, and gave Mary another €20 note.,  Who did they see at the front of the hotel? What was this person doing? - They saw Mr. Green Shirt. He gave a box to the hotel receptionist and said something (but Andy and Mary couldn't hear), What did Andy and Mary decide to do? - They decided to go after him and ran out of the hotel., Why was Mr. Green Shirt angry? - He was angry because he noticed Andy and Mary were watching him., Whose statue was in Marrion Square? - The statue of Oscar Wilde, a very famous Irish writer ,

A little trouble in Dublin - chapters 1,2,3


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