1) Je tady poblíž banka? a) Is there a bank near here? b) next to c) Go over the bridge. d) at the shop 2) Vpravo je banka. a) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. b) Go along this street. c) at the shop d) There's a bank on the right. 3) Vlevo jsou dva obchody. a) Take the second turning on the right. b) Turn right at the traffic lights. c) Is there a bank near here? d) There are two shops on the left. 4) Jdi po této ulici. a) Go along this street. b) Take the first turning on the left. c) The post office is on the other side of the river. d) Is there a bank near here? 5) Jdi kolem kostela. a) Go past the church. b) Go along this street. c) next to d) The police station is on the corner. 6) Dej se první odbočkou vlevo. a) courthouse b) Take the first turning on the left. c) Turn right at the traffic lights. d) The post office is on the other side of the river. 7) Dej se druhou odbočkou vpravo. a) Take the second turning on the right. b) There's a bank on the right. c) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. d) The police station is on the corner. 8) Policejní stanice je na rohu. a) There are two shops on the left. b) The police station is on the corner. c) Go along this street. d) You can't miss it. 9) Pošta je na druhé straně řeky. a) turn left b) Go past the church. c) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. d) The post office is on the other side of the river. 10) Zahni vpravo u semaforu. a) Take the second turning on the right. b) next to c) turn right d) Turn right at the traffic lights. 11) Jdi rovně, než přijdeš ke kruháči. a) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. b) Take the second turning on the right. c) There are two shops on the left. d) opposite 12) Jdi přes most. a) Go over the bridge. b) turn left c) Go along this street. d) between 13) Nemůžeš to minout. a) You can't miss it. b) Take the second turning on the right. c) The post office is on the other side of the river. d) There's a bank on the right. 14) mezi a) between b) courthouse c) Go over the bridge. d) at the shop 15) naproti a) You can't miss it. b) There are two shops on the left. c) opposite d) Go over the bridge. 16) vedle a) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. b) You can't miss it. c) There are two shops on the left. d) next to 17) u obchodu a) at the shop b) Go along this street. c) between d) next to 18) zahni doleva a) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. b) next to c) The post office is on the other side of the river. d) turn left 19) zahni doprava a) turn left b) courthouse c) Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. d) turn right 20) budova soudu a) Turn right at the traffic lights. b) courthouse c) The police station is on the corner. d) turn right

Directions - translation


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