Higher Education - Education at college, university in an advanced level, Certificate - Qualification received when you're successful in an exam, Diploma - Document given when you've finished your studies, Degree - A course at college or the qualification given after someone has finished his studies , Subject - Maths, Science, History, English, Biology..., Course - Set of classes, Class - Where a group of studients are reunited to study together, Career - particular occupation for which you are trained, University - A high-level educational institution. You can get a postgraduate degree, College - A high-level institution. You can't get a postgraduate degree., Faculty - Group of departments in a university. "_____ of Science" "_____ of Arts", Undergraduate - Someone who is studying for their first degree, Graduate - Person who has his first degree, Postgraduate - Person who already has his first degree and keep on studying, School - Place where children go to be educated,

Vocabulary higher education


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