1) Which change can cause the value of the equilibrium constant, K, to change? a) temperature b) concentration of a reactant c) concentration of a product d) none of the above 2) consider the following reaction: 2C(s) + O2(g) ⇌ 2CO(g)  the equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is a) b) c) d) 3) Consider the following equation for an equilibrium system; Which concentration(s) would be included in the denominator of the equilibrium constant expression? a) Pb(s), CO2(g), and SO2(g) b) PbS(s), O2(g), and C(s) c) O2(g), Pb(s), CO2(g), and SO2(g) d) O2(g) 4) When Qsp < Ksp which of the following is NOT true? a) A precipitate will form b) the solution is saturated c) no precipitate will form d) no change will occur 5) What is true if Qsp > Ksp a) the solution is unsaturated b) the concentration of reactants and products is equal c) a precipitate will form d) the concentrations of ions in solution will decrease 6) What is NOT true of the common ion effect? a) It is an ion common to two or more ionic compounds. b) It is lower than the solubility of a substance. c) It shifts the equilibrium to the right. d) All of the above. 7) Which is true of solubility constants? a) They are very large numbers. b) They are measured and recorded only for sparingly soluble compounds. c) They are always determined at 275 K. d) They can be used to determine the solubility of all soluble compounds. 8) lead (II) chromate solubility decreases when increasing Potassium chromate solution is dissolved in it because a) potassium chromate isn't an electrolyte b) potassium chromate does not conduct current c) potassium is weakly soluble in water d) common ion effect 9) if the Ksp of CuCO3 is 2.5x10^-10 then its solubility in units mol/l in 298K is equal a) 1.6 x 10^-7 b) 1.6 x 10^-5 c) 6.6 x 10^-5 d) 4.6 x 10^-5 10) If Qsp < Ksp the solution is a) unsaturated and forms a precipitate b) unsaturated and doesn't form a precipitate c) saturated and forms a precipitate d) saturated and doesn't form a precipitate 11) In which case does a precipitate form? a) Qsp = Ksp b) Qsp > Ksp c) Qsp < Ksp 12) common ion effect a) lowers solubility b) increases temperature c) lowering pressure d) increasing volume

Using Equilibrium Constants


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