London is very expensive. ____, it is a fascinating place to live. If you go to Italy, you can eat fantastic food, ____ pasta and pizza. The countryside is a great place to relax. ____, you can walk in the fields or go fishing. ____ my country is hot, this country is cold. The children slept deeply ____ the noise He lived comfortably in a flat. ____ , he decided to sell it and move to the countryside. ____ we have learnt a lot, we need to continue working hard. There are three reasons why it is good to go to university. ____, you can get a good job. ____, you can meet many people. ____, you can earn a lot of money. ____ weather conditions, we couldn't finish the match. My speech will be short ____ take much of your time. I recordet the wedding party ____ there was something wrong with the professional video recording. ____ you aren't watching the TV, I'll switch it off. He is a very happy man ____ having a difficult childhood. ____ the weathet conditions got worse, we decided to stay in. The hotel was excellent ____ the food was not that good.

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