A: Congratulations on your win! Can you tell me ____ about how you prepared for this competition? B: Are you asking about ____ scientific programme or something specific? A: Well, what I really want to know is whether you had to learn ____ new techniques to complete the project. B: Hmm... well, this time, as a team, we ____ communicated ____ more, so we could immediately see when we were running into problems. A: OK, and did ____ of you realise your project was going to have such a huge impact? B: No! Absolutely ____ of us! We felt we had made very ____ progress but in fact, it was groundbreaking! The success of Just do it. Since the launch of the 'Just do it.' slogan, the Nike brand ____ become a household name. ____ slogans have been so successful. An ad agency executive coined this inspirational phrase and sales of Nike products increased a ____ after its launch. But how can these three simple words hold so ____ power and be responsible for ____ about such a tremendous change in one's circumstances? We all know that 'just doing it' is easier said than done. If we were all capable ____ just doing it, we would easily achieve what we wanted to. So why does this slogan in particular work? The full stop is important. It's not ____ exclamation mark which would be too emotional, but a simple directive. It means you are either going to do what you said you want to do right now, with ____ excuses, or forget about it altogether. Ordinary people have adopted it as a mantra and applied it to change ____ own circumstances. ____ Winning an argument If you're arguing a particular issue with someone, there are a few tactics to bear in mind that can really help you come out on top. The first thing to remember is to ____ your temper; lose it and you've lost the argument. Stay in control, know your facts and ____ their points with ____ plausible ones of your own. Stock up on good one-liners such as 'You're being defensive,' or 'Don't compare apples and pears!' Be patient and logical. In the end, although they may not admit to being entirely ____ by your points, you will win. What you must not do is allow yourself to get sidetracked and deflected from your position. Sometimes it's blatantly ____ that they have run out of ammunition and are trying to turn the argument in another direction. Don't go there. Stay firmly on track. It's also ____ important not to get personal - attack the issue and not the person's ____ or honestly. A good argument can be ____ enjoyable and, at times, highly ____ when it follows these rules. 1. His music is heavily ____ by early soul. 2. The newspaper included some wildly ____ reports on the MP's behaviour. 3. It's widely ____ that relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety and aggression. 4. I used to be painfully ____ and steer clear of any conflict, but not now! 5. The number of tickets to the debate is strictly ____. 6. In my opinion, the plan is perfectly ____. It's definitely achievable. 7. I'm still not entirely ____ by her argument. 8. We were bitterly ____ when the results came through.

C1 Gold p.27


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