1) "____ was as dead as a doornail." a) Ebenezer Scrooge b) Christmas c) Bob Crachit d) Scrooge's nephew e) Jacob Marley f) Tim Crachit 2) Whose name was on the door of the firm with Scrooge's name? a) Bob Crachit b) Mr. Fezziwig c) Jacob Marley d) St. Nicolas e) Fred f) Dick Wilkins 3) _____ was "solitary as an oyster". a) Bob Crachit b) Mr. Fezziwig c) Jacob Marley d) Ebenezer Scrooge e) Fred f) Dick Wilkins 4) According to Scrooge, who should be "should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart"?. a) his nephew b) any idiot who says "Merry Christmas" c) St.Nicolas d) Jacob Marley e) Bob Crachit f) the three men asking for money for the poor 5) In stave 1 there is a huge contrast between Scrooge and his nephew in their attitudes towards _________. a) the poor b) family c) love d) Christmas e) marriage f) a,b,c,d,e 6) "This lunatic, in letting Scrooge's nephew out, had let two other people in." To whom does this sentence refer? a) Ebenezer Scrooge b) Scrooge's clerk c) Scrooge's nephew d) Jacob Marley e) St. Nicolas f) poor, homeless people 7) By clearly showing Scrooge's attitude toward Christmas and his fellow man in contrast with other characters in stave 1, it is evident that____ a) money makes people happy. b) Scrooge is very charitable. c) Scrooge loves his family. d) Scrooge is too cheap to properly heat his office. e) Scrooge is happy to see his nephew. f) money does not make people happy. 8) When Scrooge arrives home, what does he see as he unlocks his door? a) the large door knocker b) misery and sadness of people on the street c) the face of Jacob Marley has replaced the door knocker. d) his family waiting for him e) offices f) a gift from his nephew 9) 'They were portly gentlemen, pleasant to behold, and now stood, with their hats off, in Scrooge's office. They had books and papers in their hands, and bowed to him." Why did these men visit Scrooge? a) They were collecting money for the poor. b) They were there to wish him Merry Christmas. c) They were visiting Jacob Marley. d) They were thieves. e) They were poor, starving, and begging for food. f) They were Scrooge's relatives. 10) "If they would rather die,' said Scrooge, 'they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." About whom is Scrooge speaking? a) his family b) the poor c) the family of his clerk d) the two gentlemen who ask for money e) criminals f) anyone who celebrates Christmas

A Christmas Carol stave 1


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