1) Harry eats a lot of sweets and never brushes his teeth. What's the matter with him? a) He has an earache b) He has a stomach ache c) He has a toothache 2) Linh ate a rotten apple. What's the matter with her? a) She has a stomach ache b) She is okay c) She is dumb 3) Duc coughed all night long and felt hurt in his throat. What's the matter with him? a) He has a fever b) He has a sore throat c) He is crazy 4) It was super cold yesterday, but Hanh wore only a T-shirt. Today, she feels dizzy and has a high temperature. What's the matter with her? a) She has a fever b) She has a cat c) She has an earache 5) Last night, Tom beat his brother in his ear. What's the matter with Tom's brother? a) He has an earache b) He has a headache c) He has a fever

Day 56: Sickness


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