1) Which animal represents the Chinese zodiac for the upcoming year in 2024? a) a) Rat b) b) Ox c) c) Tiger d) d) Dragon 2) What is the most common New Year's resolution? a) a) Exercise more b) b) Learn a new language c) c) Travel more d) d) Eat more chocolate 3) In which country is it a tradition to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve? a) a) Italy b) b) Spain c) c) China d) d) Brazil 4) Which ancient civilization is credited with starting the tradition of making New Year's resolutions? a) a) Roman b) b) Greek c) c) Egyptian d) d) Chinese 5) Which song is traditionally sung on New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight? a) a) "Auld Lang Syne" b) b) "Happy Birthday" c) c) "Jingle Bells" d) d) "We Will Rock You" 6) In Japan, what type of noodles are traditionally eaten on New Year's Eve? a) a) Rice noodles b) b) Udon c) c) Ramen d) d) Soba 7) What do people in Greece traditionally bake on New Year's Day? a) a) Cookies b) b) Bread c) c) Cake d) d) Pie 8) Which Roman god is January named after? a) a) Mars b) b) Jupiter c) c) Janus d) d) Apollo 9) Which New Year's tradition is believed to bring good luck if followed in the southern United States? a) a) Eating black-eyed peas b) b) Lighting fireworks c) c) Wearing white clothes d) d) Jumping into a cold lake 10) In which country is it common to give away small envelopes with money inside on New Years? a) a) Japan b) b) India c) c) China d) d) Vietnam e) e) England f) f) Mexico 11) Which country had the largest fireworks display in the whole world on New Year's Eve 2024? a) a) Dubai b) b) China c) c) Hong Kong d) d) The United States 12) In Denmark, it is customary to leap off a chair at the stroke of midnight. What is this action believed to bring? a) a) Good luck b) b) Happiness c) c) Wealth d) d) Wisdom 13) What do the people of Ecuador traditionally burn during New Year's celebrations? a) a) Old clothes b) b) Stuffed animals c) c) Pictures d) d) Paper dolls 14) In the Philippines, it is believed that wearing polka dots on New Year's Eve brings what? a) a) Wealth b) b) Happiness c) c) Good health d) d) Love 15) What is the Japanese tradition of "nengajo" during the New Year? a) a) Sending greeting cards b) b) Decorating bamboo branches c) c) Exchanging gifts d) d) Making resolutions 16) In Brazil, what color is commonly worn on New Year's Eve to bring good luck? a) a) White b) b) Orange c) c) Yellow d) d) Blue 17) Which ancient civilization celebrated New Year's with a festival called "Saturnalia"? a) a) Roman b) b) Greek c) c) Persian d) d) Egyptian 18) In which country is it believed that cleaning the house before New Year's brings good luck? a) a) Japan b) b) Italy c) c) China d) d) Russia 19) Which New Year's tradition involves people jumping into icy water to cleanse and purify themselves? a) a) Polar Bear Plunge b) b) Ice Bucket Challenge c) c) Freeze Dive d) d) Cold Splash Ritual 20) In which country is it believed that making loud noises on New Year's Eve scares away evil spirits? a) a) Greece b) b) Nigeria c) c) India d) d) Philippines


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