1) A medical assistant is speaking with a patient who is being treated for kidney disease. One of the possible treatments is a kidney transplant, and the patient is refusing that option. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? a) Remind the patient they could die without a kidney transplant. b) Respect the patient’s wishes and answer any questions or concerns. c) Inform the patient that they will help them get approval from the insurance company, so the procedure is covered. d) Ask the patient to have their family members contact the health care organization. 2) A medical assistant is speaking with an older adult patient regarding how to increase their appetite. Which of the following considerations should the assistant make when speaking with the patient? a) Speak in a loud voice. b) Provide the patient with large print documents. c) Speak clearly and maintain proper eye contact. d) Use complex medical terms that clearly define the diagnosis. 3) A medical assistant is speaking with a medical provider about correspondence that will be written for a patient. Which of the following factors applies to the communication process between the assistant and provider? a) Complex medical terms may be used. b) Lay terms will be used. c) Passive communication style is used. d) Aggressive communication style is used. 4) A medical assistant should recognize that which of the following characteristics describe a kinesthetic communicator? a) They tend to communicate using visual aids. b) They tend to communicate using auditory resources. c) They are one-sided communicators with ulterior motives d) They tend to communicate by using their hands. 5) Which of the following is a true statement regarding patients who utilize virtual visits? a) Nonverbal cues are eliminated. b) Body language is not a factor. c) Personal space is essential. d) They rely more on the words being said. 6) A medical assistant is assisting with preparing a patient for their appointment by asking questions. Which of the following is a closed-ended question? a) "Who is your employer?" b) "What is your past medical history?" c) "What are your health concerns today?" d) "What questions or concerns do you have?" 7) Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when communicating with patients on the phone? a) Use a monotone voice. b) Enunciate words. c) Speak loudly so they can hear. d) Use appropriate body language. 8) Which of the following should a medical assistant recognize as the purpose of using a template? a) Templates alleviate the need to proofread. b) Templates guide the writer in using the proper format. c) Templates replace the need for etiquette. d) Templates are more informal than other letters. 9) A medical assistant is having a discussion with a patient who arrived late for their appointment and is upset that they are being requested to reschedule it. Which of the following actions should the assistant take to try to de-escalate the situation? a) Allow the patient to vent the reason for the tardiness. b) Inform the patient that they can go to a different provider who is available now. c) Remind the patient that they were late and that the provider has other patients to see. d) Ask the patient to sit and wait to see if they can be fit into the schedule. 10) A medical assistant is speaking with a patient who is unhappy with the medical services they received. The patient feels that their needs were not met and demands that the medical provider see them again. The schedule is full and it is not possible to fit the patient in today. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? a) Inform the patient they will have to schedule a new appointment on a different day b) Give the patient a list of local providers they can choose to see. c) Tell the patient that their insurance will not likely cover a new appointment, so they will have to pay out-of-pocket costs. d) Inform a supervisor of the situation and ask them to assist. 11) The daughter of an adult patient has called to discuss the treatment plan for their parent. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? a) Inform the patient's daughter that the medical provider will contact them with the information. b) Answer the questions being asked. c) Confirm the patient's daughter is listed on the signed release of information form. d) Send the patient's daughter a copy of the patient’s treatment plan via email. 12) Which of the following actions positively contributes to teamwork and engagement of the team members? a) Performing individual responsibilities and overall tasks b) Working through drama that is brought into the work environment c) Encouraging dating and personal relationships d) Creating a gossip board to share feelings 13) Which of the following characteristics demonstrates a professional attitude as a medical assistant? a) Healthy eating b) Good work ethic c) Physical fitness d) Accurate personal budgeting 14) A medical assistant is speaking with a patient who came in for management of diabetes. The assistant is giving the patient information about a diabetic diet. Which of the following is the goal of the therapeutic communication in this situation? a) To manipulate the conversation b) To demand changes c) To control the conversation d) To encourage and support 15) A medical assistant is assisting to prepare for an upcoming virtual visit for chronic pain management. Which of the following is an important proactive measure to perform in preparation of the visit? a) Send the patient an after visit summary. b) Check that audio and visual components are working properly. c) Complete an encounter form prior to the visit. d) Schedule a follow-up visit. 16) Which of the following is a component of active listening skills? a) Paraphrasing what is being said b) Asking the patient to wait to ask questions until the information has been presented c) Responding to emails during the conversation d) Correcting the patient mid-sentence 17) Which of the following vocal traits should be used when speaking with patients over the telephone? a) Speak sternly using a lower tone. b) Speak warmly using a louder tone. c) Speak using a warm and natural tone d) Speak slowly using monotone. 18) Which of the following actions assists with increasing patient satisfaction? a) Ask the medical provider to determine patient satisfaction levels b) Include a satisfaction survey in the new patient packets to be completed before the appointment c) Have the patient complete patient satisfaction surveys after their appointment. d) Include the patient satisfaction survey during the resolution process for conflict management. 19) A medical assistant is working to de-escalate a conversation with a patient who is upset about receiving a statement of their account with a balance due. The patient then begins to calm down and asks questions that indicate a better understanding. Which of the following actions should the assistant take following the conversation? a) Schedule an appointment to go over the patient’s financial responsibility. b) Ask the patient to contact their insurance company to verify the amounts. c) Document the conversation in the patient medical record. d) Perform a courtesy write-off for the amount due. 20) Which of the following is included in risk management for a healthcare organization? a) Decreasing the number of staff b) Reducing spending in the budget c) Controlling inventory levels d) Ensuring a safe environment

NHA: Communication and Customer Service


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