Stage 1: trust vs. mistrust, birth-18 months, Can I trust the people around me?, feeding, Stage 2: autonomy vs. shame and doubt, 18 months-3 yrs old, Can I do it myself?, toilet training, Stage 3: initiative vs. guilt, ages 3 to 5, Am I good or bad?, exploration and play, Stage 4: industry vs. inferiority, ages 6 to 11, How can I be good or bad?, school, Stage 5: identity vs. role confusion, ages 12 to 18, Who am I?, social relationships, Stage 6: intimacy vs. isolation, ages 19 to 39, Will I be loved, or will I be alone?, romantic and other close relationships, Stage 7: generativity vs. stagnation, ages 40 to 64, How can I contribute to the world?, parenthood and work, Stage 8: integrity vs. despair, ages 65-death, Did I live a meaningful life?, reflecting back on life,


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