1) I’ll buy those shoes a) if I have enough money. b) unless I have enough money c) if I had enough money. 2) Kate could be the best student in the class a) unless she will study more. b) if she had studied more. c) if she studied more. 3) If he tidied his room, a) he will find his keys. b) he would find his keys. c) he finds his keys, 4) Unless you come too, a) I won't go to the party. b) I wouldn'go to the party. c) I wouldn't have gone to the party. 5) If I had more time, a) I would do judo twice a week. b) I do judo twice a week. c) I will do judo twice a week. 6) If I were you, a) I would buy this belt. b) I will buy this belt. c) I won't buy this belt. 7) I would call Bob a) if I knew his phone number. b) if I know his phone number. c) unless I know his phone number. 8) Unless you leave your dog at home, a) I won't come for a picnic. b) I wouldn't come for a picnic. c) I wouldn't have come for a picnic. 9) If you don’t have time to cook, a) I can do it for you. b) I did it for you. c) I would have done it for you. 10) You will pass the final exams a) provided you study hard. b) condition you study hard. c) in case you study hard. 11) I have a terrible cold! a) If only I weren't out without my jacket! b) If only I hadn't been out without my jacket! c) If only I wouldn't be out without my jacket! 12) The weather's been awful for the last couple of weeks. a) I wish it had stopped raining so that I can go out. b) I wish it stops raining so that I can go out. c) I wish it would stop raining so that I can go out. 13) There are so many bills to pay! a) I wish I were rich. b) I wish I would be rich. c) I wish I would have been rich. 14) If Mandy had told me the truth, a) I won't be so mad at her. b) I wouldn't have been so mad at her. c) I will be mad at her. 15) If you had taken care of your teeth when you were young, a) you won't go to the dentist now. b) you may go to the dentist now c) you wouldn't be going to the dentist so often now

Conditionals - Wishes


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