LIMIT LAWS - They allow us to evaluate the limits of functions without the complete step-by-step process., LIMITS - It is used to define continuity, integrals, and derivatives., CONTINUITY - A function that can be drawn without lifting your pen off the paper., DISCONTINUITY - A function where there are holes, jumps, and asymptotes throughout the graph that break the single smooth line., SUM LAW - The limit of the sum of two functions equals the sum of the limits of two functions., DIFFERENCE LAW - The limit of the difference of two functions equals the difference of the limits of two functions., CONSTANT LAW - The limit of a constant multiple of a function equals the product of the constant with the limit of the function., PRODUCT LAW - The limit of a product of functions equals the product of the limit of each function., QUOTIENT LAW - The limit of a quotient of functions equals the quotient of the limit of each function., POWER LAW - The limit of the nth power of a function equals the nth power of the limit of the function., GILBERT LEWIS - He is a chemist who noticed something interesting about very stable elements., STABLE - Atoms combine to achieve a more ______ electronic configuration., ISOELECTRONIC - These are two atoms that have the same or equal number of electrons., VALENCE ELECTRONS - These electrons are in the outermost shell of an atom., COVALENT COMPOUNDS - They are held together by covalent bonds., COVALENT BONDS - It forms when two or more nonmetals combine.,

GROUP 3_Through the Tree Line


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