1) Summer is _______month in a year. a) the best b) better c) good 2) Jack is _______than Kate. a) intelligenter b) more intelligent c) most intelligent 3) I live ________from school that my friend. a) farer b) more far c) further 4) Cheetahs are ________animals in the world. a) the fastest b) faster c) the most fastest 5) I have _____money than my friend. a) much b) many c) more 6) I am _______person in my family. a) more healthy b) the healthiest c) the most healthy 7) Yesterday the weather was bad but today it's even______! a) worse b) the worst c) badder 8) I'm patient but my friend is _________. a) patienter b) more patienter c) more patient 9) Maths is _________subject at school. a) more difficult b) the most difficult c) difficulter 10) Subway Surf is _______than Angry Birds. a) more popular b) the most popular c) popular

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