1) Predefined,____________________ used in programming that have special meanings to the compiler. a) reserved words b) identifier c) user defined d) syntax e) character f) variable 2) Reserved words are part of the ______________ and they cannot be used as an identifier. a) user defined b) character c) variable d) syntax e) constant f) program 3) _______________ are created to give a unique name to an entity to identify it during the execution of the program. a) reserved words b) identifier c) user defined d) syntax e) constant f) variable 4) You cannot use reserved words like ______________________ etc. as identifiers. a) start b) when c) while d) end e) begin f) then 5) The first letter of an identifier should be either a letter or an _______________________. a) alphabet b) symbol c) number d) lowercase e) underscore f) blank space 6) ________________ names are just the symbolic representation of a memory location a) reserved words b) identifier c) user defined d) syntax e) constant f) variable 7) _____________________ are data used for representing fixed values. a) reserved words b) identifier c) user defined d) syntax e) literals f) variable 8) An ____________ is a numeric literal(associated with numbers) without any fractional or exponential part. a) variable b) number c) integer d) constant e) float f) character 9) A ________________ literal is a numeric literal that has either a fractional form or an exponent form a) variable b) number c) integer d) floating-point e) character f) constant 10) ___________________________ enable to use characters that cannot be typed or has special meaning in C programming. a) tab b) escape sequence c) question mark d) asterisk e) punctuation mark f) new line 11) A _______________________ literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in double-quote marks. a) string b) character c) float d) integer e) double f) null 12) The code execution begins from the start of the __________________ function. a) scanf() b) printf() c) main() d) getch() e) getchar() f) putch() 13) The return 0; statement inside the main() function is the _____________________of the program. a) header file b) exit status c) execution d) library function e) quotation f) formatted output 14) The scanf() function reads formatted input from the ___________________ input such as keyboards. a) standard b) outside c) user d) inside e) storages f) specified 15) If we use %d to display a character, it's _______________________ value is printed. a) character b) ASCII c) format d) text e) string f) integer

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