1) It's the stuff we don't need anymore, like empty bottles, old papers, or broken toys. When we're done with them, we throw them away to keep our space clean and tidy. a) trash b) food c) clothes d) cans 2) It means to lift something off the ground or from a surface. a) throw b) pick up c) drop d) hold 3) It is a type of material made from chemicals. It can be shaped into many different things, like bottles, toys, or bags. a) bottle b) papers c) plastic d) can 4) It means operating a vehicle, like a car, truck, or bus, to move from one place to another. a) walk b) drive c) push d) lift 5) It means arranging things into groups based on their similarities. a) sort b) separate c) mix d) put 6) What should you do with a banana peel after eating a banana? a) Throw it on the ground b) Put it in the trash c) Keep it in your pocket d) Give it to your friend 7) Which of these is NOT recyclable? a) Plastic bottles b) Glass jars c) Candy wrappers d) Plastic bags 8) What can you do to help reduce trash? a) Use reusable water bottles b) Throw everything away c) Buy more plastic bags d) Burn the plastics 9) Where does trash go after you throw it in the trash can? a) It disappears b) It gets recycled c) It goes to a landfill or a recycling facility d) It gets burned 10) Why is it important to properly dispose of trash? a) To keep our environment clean and safe b) Because it's fun c) Because everyone else does it d) For social media

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