Yuri Gargarin - first man in space, John Glenn - first American in space, Neil Armstrong - first man on the moon, Apollo 11 - NASA mission that put the first man on the moon, 16 July 1969 - date of the first moon landing, Sputnik - the first satellite, 4 October 1957 - date of the first satellite put into orbit, Atlanta, Georgia - Where Martin Luther King was born and raised, December 1955 - when the Montgomery bus boycott began, Alabama - state the Montgomery is the capital of, Rosa Parks - she was arrested for breaking segregation laws on buses, Little Rock, Arkansas - there protests here by those who opposed desegregation of US schools, Selma, Alabama - MLK led a protest movement here demanding voting rights for blacks, 1964 - year of a major civil rights act signed by LBJ, 1965 - year of the voting rights act signed by LBJ, A.N.C - they fought against apartheid in South Africa, Vietnam war - this provoked a major protest movement led by students in the 1960s, baby boom - post ww2 spike in birth rates, the Beatles - very popular band in the 1960s, the hippies - they're associated free love, peace, drugs, long hair, the contraceptive pill - this gave women greater freedom and control over their lives, Jim Crow - system of legal discrimination against blacks in Southern US states , Washington D.C - where MLK gave his 'I have a dream' speech, 1968 - year that MLK was assassinated, 1962 - year of the Cuban missile crisis, C.N.D - organisation that campaign for the end of nuclear weapons, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Lyndon Johnson, Fidel Castro,

1960s a decade of change


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