1) They are twin sisters, the same height and the same weight. They work in the kitchen arm-in-arm. What ever is cooked, they always try it first. What are they? a) A pan b) A fork c) A pair of chopsticks 2) I can follow you for thousands of miles and not miss home. I do not fear cold or fire, and I desire neither food or drink but I disappear when the sunsets behind the western mountain. Who am I? a) A clock b) Your shadow c) the Sun 3) This lovely maiden eats no meat but eats leaves. She labours each day spinning and weaving for the benefit of others. Who is she? a) A butterfly b) A snake c) A silkworm 4) It is useless when it is windy. It makes wind when there is none. When you don't move it, it is not cool. When you move it, it becomes cool. a) A heater b) A fan c) A cap 5) What animal has its own built-in shower? a) A parrot b) An elephant c) A goldfish 6) What building has the most stories? a) A library b) A market c) A cinema 7) I have a little house in which I live alone. It has no doors or windows and if I want to get out, I must break through the wall. a) An egg b) A tent c) A camp

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