1) To add up numbers in Excel, select the cells you want to add together, then click ………………… from the Home tab. a) Chart Design b) Quick Layout c) Format d) AutoSum 2) In ………………… you can use different slide background colors. a) web browsers b) PowerPoint c) Excel d) Facebook 3) To make storyboards to help you produce an effective presentation, you can use ………………… a) PowerPoint b) Excel c) WordPress d) Facebook 4) You can use Microsoft Word to create ………………… a) reports b) web pages c) graphs d) a and b 5) To solve the problem of screen freezes, you can use the ………………….buttons a) Alt +Tab+ Del b) Alt +Ctrl +Del c) Alt +Ctrl +Tab d) none of them 6) To create a formula, you can write ………………… a) + b) - c) = d) * 7) You can use the ………………… program to make a film from a selection of image a) Movie Maker b) Excel c) Word d) Google 8) ………………… is the language that will be displayed on a web browser. a) MHLT b) HTML c) HLMT d) HMLT 9) The 10-20-30 rule is used in the …………………program. a) Word b) Excel  c) PowerPoint d) Paint 10) ………………… is an example of synchronous communication a) Paint b) The EKB c) Video chat d) Email 11) Digital citizenship means you have rights, such as your……………… a) privacy b) location c) keyboard d) piracy 12) A Creative Commons search is a resource to find ……………….. materials. a) copyright-free b) protected c) digital d) offline 13) ………………… is the software that is used to create websites a) The EKB b) WordPress c) Microsoft Word d) b and c 14) To make text have a more even impact in the PowerPoint program, you can insert ………………… a) audio b) WordArt c) shapes d) images 15) …………………is an example of synchronous communication. a) Encyclopedias b) Email c) Live TV show d) b and c 16) Your friend bought sporting clothes from Amazon, which means he used a …………………site. a) non-commercial  b) educational c) governmental  d) commercial 17) The number of slides in a presentation should not be more than ……………slides. a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40 18) Microsoft Edge is a/an ………………… that helps you in browsing and search and watch videos. a) search engine b) browser c) hashtag d) icon 19) You can use the ………………… program to collect numeric information. a) Word b) Excel c) Paint d) PowerPoint 20) The font used in PowerPoint presentation should be no smaller than ……………….. font size. a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40 21) It is recommended to use simple fonts, so your message is …………………to read a) easy b) hard c) difficult d) a and b 22) Respecting others’ privacy is one of your ………………… as a digital citizen a) piracy b) rights c) technology d) responsibilities 23) In the computer binary system, the value (1) means ………………… a) on b) off c) stop d) skip 24) The EKB and ADL websites have a specialized ………………… a) personal information b) search engine c) browser d) none of the previous 25) The time of PowerPoint presentation should not be longer than …………………minutes a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40 26) To run the programs more efficiently, they must be ………………… a) uploaded b) updated  c) deleted d) all of them 27) The binary system uses the value(s) …………………to express the binary numbers system. a) 0 b) 1 c) a and b d) none of them 28) To add titles or labels of a graph, you can choose………………….from Toolbar. a) Add Chart Element b) Format c) Change Chart Type d) Formula 29) In PowerPoint go to view, then …………………to see an overview of your presentation a) Slide Master b) Slide Sorter c) Slide Page d) Slide Show 30) The web page heading should have ………………… font size than the rest of the text. a) a smaller  b) a larger c) a normal d) the same 31) Consider including ………………… image that reflects the main message of your web page. a) smaller b) larger c) normal d) tiny 32) To send your work to other group members or to your teachers, use ………………… a) Microsoft Word   b) Paint c) Email d) Excel 33) ………………… allows you to read more about the site before clicking on the link. c. d. a) Online libraries b) Meta information c) ADL d) About Link 34) The purpose of non-commercial websites is to ………………… a) sell products b) raise awareness c) provide information d) b and c 35) Using the “Collections” feature in Microsoft Edge, you can add ……………… a) videos b) images c) text d) all the previous

ICT Final Revision Grade 5 with miss khadija mohamed


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