It’s 2020, the first wave of ____-19. There’s a lockdown, elderly people aren’t advised to leave their ____, not even to do the ____. A young man of about 20 is walking down an ____ street. He is carrying two ____ of groceries. He gets to a red-brick house, puts the bags down on the ____ and knocks at the door. A man of around 70 ____ the door. He looks ____ and angry. He says, “What ____ about knocking? This door scuffs easily.” The young guy tells the man ____ what he could buy in the shops, but the old guy isn’t ____. He wanted ____ milk, but the young man bought the other kind of milk. He says something not nice in a ____ voice, then slams the door. The young man ____ get offended though, just says, “Same time, ____ then?” The next Thursday, he wakes up ____ in the morning to do the shopping for the old man. This time he doesn’t knock, he ____ the bell. The old guy ____ the door, but he isn’t in a good ____ this time either. The young man tells the man ____ that he could get ____ milk, but the old guy ____ even say thank you. He is about to ____ the door, when the young guy says that he bought some ____ for him, because he remembered that he had told him he had a sweet ____. The old guy doesn’t ____ the gesture at all, just slams the door in the boy’s ____ again. However he doesn’t take ____, just keeps doing the shopping for the old guy day after day, week after ____. One day, he tells the guy he couldn’t get the beers because he didn’t have any ____ on him but all the old guy does is make a very nasty remark about the boy’s ____ hair ("You’re never gonna get served with that pathetic excuse of facial hair.") Then he says ____ how he misses the “bloody pub” and ____ the door. However, the young guy doesn’t take ____. He has an idea. He rings the bell again, waits for the old guy to ____ the door and asks him what kind of ____ he listens to. The next time the boy goes to the old man’s, he takes foldable ____, a table, snacks, a CD player and some ____ of beer. He puts everything on the front lawn and ____ the bell. The old guy comes out and he is really ____. The young man says, “What do you think? I thought if we can’t go to the pub, I’d ____ the pub to us.” As the old guy loves brown ____, he is willing to sit down with the young guy. They have crisps, pork ____, peanuts and beer. In the end, they actually have ____ together. When the boy wants to light a ____, the old guy tells him he shouldn’t do it. He says, “If I had my time again, I’d never ____ one of them.” Then, he tells the boy how much he ____ his help. The next week, the boy ____ the bell, knocks at the door, but there’s no ____. He calls the ambulance and they take the old man away. The boy asks the ____ to wait for him to find the old man’s dressing ____, but they tell him the man is ____ enough without it. The young guy goes home with the ____. He puts down the ____ on his kitchen counter and wants to ____ a cigarette. It’s written “Smoking kills - ____ now” on the packaging. The boy thinks for a few ____ then opens the rubbish bin and ____ the packet into it. Then, he grabs a ____ of organic milk and pours some into a glass. He tries it and seems to ____ it. The film ends with him taking another ____ of the milk.


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