1) What is the best way to show kindness to other drivers? a) honking your horn b) cutting someone off c) letting someone merge in front of you d) driving very fast 2) What does it mean “to put yourself in their shoеs”? a) wear the same shows as someone else b) understand and share the feelings of another person c) take a long walk d) buy new shoes 3) Which of these drivers is likely to be more empathetic? a) a driver who always drive over the speed limit b) a driver who sometimes gets angry on the road c) a driver who tries to be considerate of others d) a driver who never waves to others 4) How can being empathetic help you when driving? a) It can make you drive faster. b) It can make you feel more stressed. c) It can help you connect with others and manage your emotions. d) It can cause you to get into more accidents. 5) What is a good way to practice being more empathetic? a) Ignore other drivers. b) Assume you know what other drivers are thinking. c) Get angry if someone cuts you off. d) Imagine what the other driver might be experiencing. 6) Empathy is always linked to the saying "Put yourself in their shoes." a) True b) False 7) People are always empathetic, especially while driving. a) True b) False 8) Safe drivers are more empathetic than dangerous drivers. a) True b) False 9) Empathy is letting a car merge in front of you in heavy traffic. a) True b) False 10) Empathy is to wave your hand to another driver after a kind act. a) True b) False 11) Empathy is giving up a parking space to someone else. a) True b) False 12) Empathy is letting a pedestrian cross the road. a) True b) False 13) What is acceptable behaviour? a) slowing down in a school zone b) wait for your turn to merge c) allow others to pass d) risky and dangerous driving e) drinking and driving f) doing drugs and driving


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