1) Determine whether events are independent or dependent and find the and probability of the event. Getting five heads when tossing five (fair) coins simultaneously. a) 1/32; independent b) 1/10; independent c) 1/2; independent d) None of the above 2) Determine whether events are independent or dependent and find the and probability of the event. Rolling a fair 6-sided die three times and getting 1,2,3, in that order. a) 1/18; independent b) 1/216; independent c) 1/6; independent d) None of the above 3) Determine whether events are independent or dependent and find the and probability of the event. Discovering that your three best friends were all born on a Sunday. a) 1/21; independent b) 1/7; independent c) 1/343; independent d) None of the above 4) Determine whether events are overlapping or non-overlapping and find the either/or probability of the event. Getting a sum of either 2, 3, 4, or 5 on a roll of two dice. a) 5/18; non-overlapping b) 1/18; non-overlapping c) 10/36; non-overlapping d) None of the above 5) Determine whether events are overlapping or non-overlapping and find the either/or probability of the event. Drawing either a black ace or a red king on one draw from a standard card deck of 52 cards. a) 1/26: non-overlapping b) 1/13: non-overlapping c) 2/13: non-overlapping d) Non of these 6) Determine whether events are overlapping or non-overlapping and find the either/or probability of the event. Randomly choosing a black sock or a small sock from a drawer in which half of the socks are black and half are white, and half of each color are small and half are large. a) 1/2: overlapping b) 1/4; overlapping c) 3/4: overlapping d) None of the above

Combination of Probabilities


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