1) Python habitat? a) Europe,Asia b) North America,Australia c) Australia,Asia d) the Amazon Rainforest,Africa 2) How long are they? a) 4 to 9 meters b) 6 to 12 meters c) 7 to 10 meters d) 5 to 10 meters 3) How much does a python weigh? a) to 200 kg b) to 210 kg c) to 100 kg d) to 150 kg 4) What kind of pythons do not exist in color? a) b) c) d) 5) What pythons can do? a) Walking on water b) To fly c) driving a car d) swimming and climbing trees 6) What does a python eat? a) flowers b) grass c) exclusively with meat d) sharks 7) Will a python be able to eat an adult? a) YES b) NO 8) Does the python have legs? a) Yes 4 legs b) no c) Yes 2 legs d) No they have wings



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