1) The family is moving ______ their new house. a) into b) around c) through 2) The kids ran ______ the house. a) under b) over c) out of 3) Mom put the dishes ______ the dishwasher. a) into b) through c) under 4) It's vacation! The kids ran ______ the school doors. a) into b) out of c) over 5) Spark easily jumped ______ the hoop. a) out of b) through c) under 6) The cat gets in ______ the small pet door. a) into b) over c) through 7) They walk home ______ the hill. a) over b) around c) out of 8) ______ the river, there's an old bridge. a) around b) under c) over 9) Our boat has to go ______ this building. a) around b) over c) through 10) Cars drive ______ here. a) under b) around c) out of

Around, Through, Under, Over, Into, Out of


Visuell stil


Växla mall

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