1) Use phrasal words to indicate actions. a) True b) False c) skip 2) IKEAs is all around the world. a) Grammar Wrong b) Grammar Correct c) skip 3) What do we use to prove two things are not true a) No correct answers. b) Neither…nor c) Either..or d) Either…nor e) skip 4) ’An engine (引擎) is a machine that ___ (convert) energy from a fuel to some…(Omit) a) converts b) convert c) converted d) converting e) skip 5) What Tense is ‘was/were +ing + past tense’ a) Past Tense b) Past Continuous Tense c) Past Perfect Tense d) Simple Past Tense e) skip 6) ‘This is the last day we will be with together. Bye bye,friend.’ What does the ‘last’ mean in the sentence. a) The Final Day  b) The Day before this day c) Continue d) Latest e) skip f) Most recent 7) They ___ betray each other (?) something specific happens to prevent (阻止) it. a) won’t/unless b) will/unless c) would not/unless d) would/if e) skip 8) If…(present continuous tense) would..(past tense) a) True b) False c) skip 9) Geography (地理/地理學) is teached in Secondary school a) Grammar Wrong b) Grammar Correct c) skip 10) A Uprise can ___ (be,see) from here and here. a) be/see b) be/seen c) is/saw d) be/saw e) skip 11) Smartphones (?) ___ (become) ubiquitous (普及) in today’s society.  a) has become b) have become c) has became d) have became e) skip 12) [Extra] [5] |The Symphony Orchestra’s performance ___ (be) a paragon (典範) to mellifluous (流暢) the music. a) are b) were c) was d) None correct answers e) Skip f) is 13) Robbers ___ (be) rare in China,especially (尤其是) in their Capital. a) Is b) is c) are d) Are e) skip 14) My birthday is in next day. a) Prepositions Wrong b) Prepositions Correct c) There are no prepositions. d) Skip 15) I __ (be) willing to take the presentation (?) the next hour (?) here. a) Am/in/in b) am/in/in c) am/in/on d) am/in/at e) am/on/at f) Skip 16) We use ‘at’ to indicate…? a) Location b) Time c) Direction d) Price e) All Answers are correct f) No Answers are Correct 17) The Council Meeting is scheduled (定於) for 2 p.m. (?) Friday. a) on b) at c) in d) skip 18) She is (?) of (?) getting a trophy. [Picture As Answer] a) proud/herself b) stressed/herself c) frustrated/herself d) Angry/herself e) skip f) None correct answers. 19) Earth ___ (be) (?) the Space/Solar System. a) is/on b) was/on c) is/in d) skip e) was/in 20) The Cold War ___ (be) a conflict between the United States and Soviet Union. a) is b) were c) are d) was e) am f) skip 21) The hotel is currently (?) a event of power shortage,please be patient with it. a) in b) on c) at d) skip 22) The Blackhole Ton 618 (?) the second most biggest Blackhole nowadays. a) was b) is c) at d) In e) were f) skip 23) ”I ___ (be) from the government,and I am here to ___ (help)” a) am/help b) am/helped c) am/helps d) skip e) is/help f) am 24) ’Bow down to me!’ The king ___ (say). a) says b) saies c) said d) skip e) saying 25) We commonly use (?) when ‘since’ is presented in the sentence. a) Present Perfect Tense b) Present Prefect Tense c) Past Tense d) Bruh,what is this question e) Present Tense f) Past Continuous Tense 26) We commonly use (?) when ‘before’ is presented in the sentence. a) Past Tense b) Present Tense c) Past Continuous Tense d) Present Continuous Tense e) None answers are correct. f) skip 27) Ace ___ (listen) to a program on his radio. a) Is listening b) is listening c) are listening d) was listening e) Are listening f) skip 28) Jack is ___ (raise) a Floppa. a) raising b) raise c) raised d) skip e) raises 29) SpaceX ___ (launch) (?) spaceship to space in August. a) will launch/another b) launch/another c) launches/other d) launching/another e) skip f) None correct answers 30) He ___ (play) games overnight and his mental health is ___ (have) a problem. a) playing/having b) playing/have c) play/having d) play/have e) playing/haveing f) skip 31) Happy Graduation! This is the End of The Wordwall! a) Yipee b) 🥳 c) 🎉 d) 🎊 e) 🪩 f) Skip(The Old God)

[Last Wordwall: Difficult Words,Tense,U1-U6] Happy graduation! :)


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