1) Mom Mom ________ a headache. a) has b) need c) has to d) have 2) I have a stomachache! You _______ a pill. a) have to b) have c) has d) need 3) My friend has a broken leg! She ________ a cast. a) need b) needs c) has to d) have to 4) When you have a temperature you ________ stay in bed! a) need b) have to c) has to d) have 5) My brother ______ a broken leg and he _______ a wheelchair. a) has, needs b) have, need c) have to, need d) has, has to 6) She ______ a sore throat, so she _______ take a pill. a) have, have to b) has, has to c) need, have to d) have to, need 7) Does your grandmom have a cough? Yes, she ______ a medicine. a) need b) have to c) has to d) needs 8) When my Dad ______ a backache, he ________ stay in bed. a) has to, has b) have to, have c) has, has to d) have, have to 9) I can´t eat! I ______ a stomachache! a) has b) need c) have d) have to

You need... you have to... I have


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