Ķerties klāt (darbam) - to get around to, Iesprūst, iestrēgt - to get stuck, Atgriezties - to get back, Tikt vaļā no - to get rid of, Piecelties - to get up, Satikt, saprasties - to get on with, Iekāpt - to get on, Izkāpt - to get off, Tikt skaidrībā - to get across, Izkļūt (sveikā) - to get away with, Tikt pāri, pārvarēt - to get over, Sanākt kopā - to get together with, Tikt priekšā - to get ahead, Atpalikt - to get behind, Izkļūt, izbēgt - to get away from, Tikt galā - to get through,

FF5 Unit 8 - phrasal verbs that start with ''Get''


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