1) The weather was cold, ______ we enjoyed it very much. a) so b) yet c) for d) and 2) He is sick, _______ he is not going to the school. a) but b) and c) yet d) so 3) Sam drank some water, _______ he was thirsty after the football match.  a) or b) yet c) for d) nor 4) I wanted to eat a cake _______ I'm on diet.  a) but b) or c) for d) so 5) She did not speak to anyone ______ nobody spoke to her.  a) yet b) or c) but d) and 6) Sarah does not like broccoli _______ does she like carrot. a) or b) nor c) for d) yet 7) After I finish with my homework, I will read a book _____ I will just watch TV. a) and b) yet c) or d) for 8) The teacher is talking, _______ we need to listen. a) so b) nor c) and d) yet 9) I have to find a new job ______ I am unemployed. a) but b) for c) so d) or 10) My brother loves to play badminton ______ paint a picture. a) nor b) yet c) but d) and 11) Neither my parents ______ my friends supported me to win the competition.  a) for b) nor c) so d) or 12) She is 75 years old _______ she still jogs every day. a) and b) for c) but d) nor 13) We could go to Turkey _______ Greece for our next holiday trip. a) or b) so c) yet d) for 14) I'd like to buy the shoes, _______ I don't really need them. a) for b) and c) nor d) yet 15) She woke up late, _______ she could not apply for the job. a) but b) for c) so d) and 16) I go to the library _______ I love to read. a) for b) nor c) yet d) or 17) I need to finish my homework ______ clean my bedroom. a) but b) so c) for d) and 18) He says nice words, ______ you still don't trust him.  a) nor b) and c) yet d) for 19) Does Clark have any brothers ______ sisters? a) so b) or c) but d) and 20) I have neither done the dishes _______ the laundry. a) nor b) yet c) for d) so

Year 3 : Conjunctions


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