1) Ho many brothers and sisters/ you have? 2) What/ you do to relax in the epvenings? 3) What / your mother look like? 4) Where/ you work or study? 5) What time / this class finish? 6) Who / you get on with best in your family? 7) How many languages/ you speak? 8) Where / your parents live? 9) What / be / TV like in your country? 10) What/ you usually have for breakfast? 11) How often/ you go to the cinema ? 12) What / be / your house like? 13) How often/ you use English? 14) What kind of music do you like? 15) What/ be/ your town like? 16) Who / you / look like in your family? 17) What apps / your mobile phone have? 18) What/ you like to do in your free time? 19) What sport or exercise/ you do? 20) How / you come to class?

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