1) What music did you use to listen to a lot? Was there a song you used to love as a child? 2) How often do you usually see your extended family (aunts, cousins, etc.)? 3) How did you use to get in touch with your friends when you were a child? Is there a friend you used to be really close to but don't see anymore? 4) Who do you usually go out with at weekends? What do you usually do? How did you use to spend the night-outs when you were studying at university? 5) Did you use to get on with your brothers / sisters / cousins when you were little? 6) How do you usually get in touch with your friends? How did you use to get in touch with them when you were younger? 7) Did you have a best friend at primary school? What did you use to do together? 8) Did you use to behave badly at school? What kind of things did you do? 9) What used to be your favourite thing to eat as a child? What did you use to have for breakfast? And now? 10) Are there any films you used to love, but don’t like anymore? 11) What special places do you usually go to with your family? 12) Are there any books or comics you used to love when you were little? What do you usually read now? 13) What things did you use to do with your parents, but don’t do anymore? Where did you use to spend your summer holidays? 14) Is there a machine or device you used to use a lot, but don't use any more? what apps or devices do you usually use now to communicate?

5B - Past and Present habits


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