1) I have _____________ done the dishes. a) already b) ever c) never d) yet e) just 2) I haven't finished my homework ______. a) already b) ever c) never d) yet e) just 3) A: Would you like to have lunch? B: Sorry, I have _________ had a sandwich. a) alredy b) ever c) never d) yet e) just 4) Have you ___________ been to Japan? a) just b) yet c) never d) ever e) some 5) I ________ __________ you in a long time! a) don't see b) haven't seen c) didn't see d) will see e) can see 6) It's 11am and it ____ _______ a difficult day. a) was be b) could is c) has been d) never was e) have been 7) I haven't eaten ________________ today. a) something b) somewhere c) anything d) nothing e) anywhere 8) We went _________________ near the park yesterday, but I forgot the name. a) nowhere b) nothing c) anywhere d) somewhere e) something 9) ______________ is better than pizza! a) somewhere b) something c) nothing d) anywhere e) nobody 10) There's ___________ to eat! Let's go to the supermarket. a) anything b) nothing c) something d) anywhere e) anyone 11) She has been _________________ in line for hours. a) going b) thinking c) waiting d) collecting e) sleeping 12) PRESENT PERFECT a) SUBJECT+ HAVE OR HAS + BEEN + ING b) SUBJECT + TO BE + ING c) SUBJETC +HAVE OR HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE d) SUBJETC + WILL + PAST PARTICIPLE 13) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS a) SUBJETC + WILL + PAST PARTICIPLE b) SUBJETC +HAVE OR HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE c) SUBJECT + TO BE + ING d) SUBJECT+ HAVE OR HAS + BEEN + ING 14) I haven't seen you _________ 2018! a) since b) for 15) I haven't seen you ________ 2 years! a) since b) for 16) A: I feel sick. B: You __________ to go to the hospital. a) should b) had better c) ought 17) You ____________ tell her the truth! a) had better b) ought c) shy 18) I'm really happy! a) I'm on cloud nine! b) I'm down in the dumps! c) I'm worried sick! d) I'm on the bottom of the world! e) I'm bummed out! 19) I'm so disappointed. a) I'm on cloud nine! b) I'm down in the dumps! c) I'm worried sick! d) I'm on the bottom of the world! e) I'm bummed out. 20) She hasn't come back home yet. a) I'm on cloud nine! b) I'm down in the dumps! c) I'm worried sick! d) I'm on the bottom of the world! e) I'm bummed out. 21) I feel so sad when I flunk a test. a) I'm on cloud nine! b) I'm down in the dumps! c) I'm worried sick! d) I'm on the bottom of the world! e) I'm bummed out. 22) I'm so happy again. a) I'm on cloud eleven! b) I'm down in the dumps! c) I'm worried sick! d) I'm on the top of the world! e) I'm bummed out. 23) Have you seen ______ John _______ Marcus today? a) either _ or b) neither _ nor c) both _ and 24) Sarah speaks neither Chinese _____ Japanese a) _ or b) _ nor c) _ and 25) Who is ____________ person you know? a) healthier b) the healthiest c) the most healthy d) more healthy e) less healthy 26) Who is ____________ , John or Liza? a) the stressediest b) more stressed than c) less stressed d) stressier 27) Pizza is _____________ food! a) the best b) the better c) less good d) as good as 28) History is ____________________ Geography a) as important as b) important than c) the most important d) importanter

Progression 2 Final Test Review


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