1) Which of these adjectives is synonymous with "migratory"? a) Movable b) Floating c) Shifting d) Sedentary e) Flying f) Nomadic 2) Where did the Celts come from? a) North Africa and Asia Minor b) Europe and Asia Minor c) South America and Asia Minor d) Central America and Asia Minor e) Oceania and Asia Minor f) All continents 3) What were the Celts particularly good at? a) They were good at cooking b) They were good at praying c) They were good at running d) They were good at growing plants e) They were good at forging weapons f) They were good at making peace 4) When did the Celts invade Britain? a) In the Golden Age b) In the Silver Age c) In the Bronze Age d) In the Iron Age e) In the Heroic Age f) In the Ice Age 5) What was the Celts' sacred tree? a) The pine b) The willow c) The oak d) The mulberry e) The sycamore f) The fir 6) What was the name of the Celtic religion? a) Hinduism b) Anthropomorphism c) Confucianism d) Druidism e) Jainism f) Zoroastrianism 7) What weren't the runes used for? a) For protection b) For healing c) For killing animals d) For business e) For magical charms f) For laying a curse 8) What does the word "Keltoi" mean in Greek? a) Inventors b) Barbarians c) Artesans d) Hunters e) Farmers f) Civilizers 9) What did the "ankh" symbolize in Celtic religion? a) Warding and protection b) Curse c) Magic d) Eternal life e) Death f) Bravery 10) What colour did the Celts use to paint on their bodies to scare enemies in battle? a) Red b) Blue c) Green d) Purple e) Brown f) Black 11) Where did the Celts live? a) In hill forts b) In forests c) In small towns d) In castles e) In temples f) In caves 12) What was the main life generating element for the Celts? a) Fire b) The Sky c) The Moon d) The oak e) Water f) Wind 13) Which of these cities has Celtic origins? a) Winchester b) York c) Winchcombe d) Bath e) Dover f) Plymouth 14) What was the Celtic Queen Boudicca known for? a) For being a priestess b) For being a fortune teller c) For bringing bad luck d) For being the most beautiful Queen of all Celtic tribes e) For being a warrior f) For being a storyteller 15) Which of these tribes wasn't Celtic? a) Insubres b) Boii c) Lingones d) Magyars e) Frisians f) Asturians



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