Location - here a place is (the GPS or co-ordinates), Locale - The place where something happens, is set or has particular events associated with it (a house, park, office), Place - Location with meaning, Perception of place - the way in which a place is viewed or regarded by people (influenced by the media or personal experiences), Placemaking - deliberate shaping of an environment to meet needs for social interaction and improve community’s quality of life, Sense of place - subjective and emotional attachment people have to a place (developed through experience and knowledge of the place), Localism - love for a particular place, Nationalism - loyalty to a nation, NIMBY - not in my back yard, Insider - to belong and identify with a place, Experienced places - places that a person has spent time in, Character - physical and human features that help make it different form another place, Agents of change - the people who impact on a place through working, living or improving that place, Endogenous factors - characteristics of the place itself (internal), Exogenous factors - relationship of one place with other places (external),

Changing Places Key Term Match Up

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