PUT AWAY √ - save money for a future use; confine someone in a prision or hospital; to put something in the place or container where it is usually kept, PUT (SOMEONE) DOWN √ - criticise someone; referring to animals it means to euthanise them, PUT OFF √ - cause someone to feel dislike or distrust; to delay an event or activity until a later time or date, PUT (SOMEBODY) ON √ - tease or playfully deceive someone; increase in body weight; become heavier by a specified amount, PUT (SOMETHING) ON √ - place a garment, jewellery, etc. on part of one's body; organise or present a play, exhibition or event, PUT (SOMEONE) UP √ - accommodate someone temporarily, PUT UP WITH ☓ - toletare; endure, PUT ACROSS √ - communicate something effectively, PUT ASIDE √ - to save something, usually time or money, for a special purpose,

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