1) Snakes bite if they were scared a) Doğru b) Yanlış 2) If people eat too much, they get fat. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 3) If you make a cake, you firstly break eggs. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 4) If babies are hungry, they cry a) Doğru b) Yanlış 5) If you touched a fire, you get burned a) Doğru b) Yanlış 6) If it rains, the ground gets wet. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 7) If I will late to breakfast, don’t wait for me. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 8) If I listened to loud music, I always have a headache. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 9) If you are tired, you go to bed early. a) Doğru b) Yanlış 10) If you will mix yellow and blue, you get green. a) Doğru b) Yanlış

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