1) Who is the best know Czech / Czechoslovak sportsman?  2) What are some of the world sporting events? Talk about one in detail.  3) What´s a generation gap? In what areas does it represent itself the most clearly? 4) What´s your best friend like? 5) What are some of the most important holidays we celebrate in the Czech Republic? 6) What holidays do you consider the most stressful? Why? 7) What is the Remembrance Day and how is it celebrated thoughout the world? 8) Why are some sportsmen willing to take banned substances than enhance their performance? 9) What are some infamously known doping scandals? 10) What are some typical sports in the UK / USA / Canada / New Zelanad / Australia? 11) What should a healthy diet consist of? Speak about both food and drinks. 12) How might the priorities of your grandparents' generation change compared to yours? 13) What do you have in common with your parents / siblings? 14) What are some of the most important landmarks in Prague? 15) What are some of the history changing moments in history of Prague? 16) What are the benefits of a regular exercise? 17) Speak about different family events / gatherings that might be important in a family's life. 18) What are the most important monuments / institutions that Charles IV built during his life? 19) Speak about your pastimes or hobbies.  20) Speak about Australia, its geography, landmarks, history or famous people. 21) What's your favourite cuisine? What's your favourite Czech dish? How is it cooked? 22) What's considered a traditional dish in the UK / the USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand? 23) Speak about New Zealand its geography, landmarks, history or famous people. 24) Should we celebrate 'imported holidays' like Valentine's Day of Halloween in the Czech Republic? 25) What might be the pros and cons of living in the capital city? 26) Speak about your attitude to sports. 27) What are thy symptoms of covid and what happens if a person tests positive? 28) What would be the first aid for a twisted ankle? 29) What are some of home remedies for a common cold? 30) Describe your memorable holiday. 31) What activities might people be doing on their holidays? 32) Speak about the types of holidays there might be. 33) At what age do people usually retire in the Czech Republic? Why?

Maturita topics: Generations, Sports, Heathty life, Sports, Food, Australia, New Zealand, Prague, Travelling


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