1) Breaking into a house is ... a) speeding b) burglary c) kidnapping 2) Stealing from people's bags or pockets in public is ... a) robbery b) shoplifting c) pickpocketing 3) Damaging public property is ... a) speeding b) vandalism c) murder 4) Transporting things into a country illegally is ... a) smuggling b) kidnapping c) vandalism 5) Driving a car faster than a speed limit is ... a) murder b) smuggling c) speeding 6) Catching someone and keeping them prisoner is ... a) smuggling b) murder c) kidnapping 7) The police caught the ... as he was leaving the bank. a) vandal b) robber c) pickpocket 8) A twenty-year-old ... stole an old lady's bag in the street.  a) murderer b) kidnapper c) mugger 9) The ... destroyed the water fountain in the park. a) vandal b) robber c) pickpocket 10) After he had caught the ... who was leaving his house, he called the police. a) burglar b) mugger c) kidnapper 11) The ... asked for a lot of money. a) murderer b) vandal c) kidnapper

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