1) Superlative of mean a) the meanest b) the meaner c) the most meanest d) the most mean 2) Superlative of selfish a) the most selfish b) the selfishest c) the most selfishest d) the more selfisher 3) Superlative of lazy a) the lazyest b) the most lazy c) the most laziest d) the laziest 4) Superlative of naughty a) the naughtiest b) the naughtyest c) the most naughty d) the most naughtiest 5) Superlative of confident a) the most confidentest b) the most confident c) the condidentest d) the more confident 6) Superlative of generous a) the most generousest b) the generousest c) the most generous d) the more generous 7) Superlative of shy a) the most shiest b) the shyiest c) the most shy d) the shiest 8) Comparative of hard-working a) the harder-working b) the hard-workingest c) the most hard-working d) the most harder-working



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