pour ice on your back, drink hot sauce, squeeze lemon in your eye, tell a girl and not your mom,grandma or sister. a random girl i love you, sit outside for 10 min in sun or cold, draw on your face, finish this whole thing ( just you), shave the middle of your head, cut your favorite shirt,t-shirt,long sleeve or sweater up, don't laugh while look at someone's eyes for 30 seconds, nothing, rock paper scissors by yourself, try to eat your foot, bang your head on a wall or table no to hard tho, skip, say begone THOT to ur mom or sister (if you have one), dab or t-pose fo 5 mins strait, ignore a person for 8 mins strait, none, say aaaaaaaachhhhhhoooooo, say your favorite meme, run through your neighborhood and say run for your life the end is near , skip, admit your loss, look confused when someone tells you something, wrap that child up on chistmas.

dares >: )


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