1) I ___ my teeth every day.  a) brushes b) brush c) brushing d) brash 2) You ___ your hair in the morning.  a) combing b) comb c) combs d) combe 3) My sister ___ juice in the afternoon.  a) drinks b) drink c) drinking d) drinkes 4) He ___ a shower in the evening.  a) have b) haves c) has d) having 5) ___ you ___ a lot of books?  a) Do / read  b) Does / read c) Is / read d) Are / read 6) ___ we ___ to school every day?  a) Does / go b) Do / go c) Are / go d) Do / going 7) ___ he ___ lunch at 12 o'clock? a) - / has  b) Does / has c) Does / have d) Do / has 8) ___ Batman ___ a mask every day? a) Do / wearing b) Do / wears c) Does / wear d) Does / wears 9) I ___ usually ___ early.  a) doesn't / wake up b) am not / wake up c) am / waking up d) don't / wake up 10) My friend ___ live in a house.  She ___ in a flat. a) doesn't / lives b) don't / lives c) doesn't / live d) don't / live 11) Ben ___ ___ French. He ___ English. a) don't speak / speaks b) doesn't speak / speaks c) doesn't speaks / speaks d) don't speaks / speak 12) My best friend doesn't ___ a cat. He ___a dog. a) has / has b) have / have c) has / have d) have / has

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