1) One cookie fell on the floor. One cookie fell into the dishwasher. Which cookie do you want? 2) One person wants to have 2 children. One person wants to have 10 children. Which person do you think will have a happier life? 3) Two people were interviewed for a teaching job. One of them talked most of the time during the interview. One listened most of the time. Which person should get the job? 4) I studied two subjects. I studied one in class and I studied one at home in the evening. Which subject do you think I learned more about? 5) Imagine you have two drawings. You bought one of them for $200. Your best friend drew the other one. Which drawing is worth more for you? 6) I saw two strangers at the bus station. I talked to one of them for 1 minute. I didn’t talk to the other one, but I looked at him for 5 minutes. Which one will I remember longer? 7) There are two radio stations in town. Most educated older people listen to one of them. Most younger people listen to the other one. Which one do you think your teacher listens to? 8) One woman’s name begins with K. Another woman’s name begins with P. Which woman do you think is from Japan? 9) I went to two places in the woods. In one spot I took a nap. In one spot I just admired the view. When I got back I discovered that I had lost my wallet. Which spot should I return to?

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