把 - for sth in a bunch, or with its legs parted, with a handle, 串 - string, bunch, cluster, 顶 - for sth that has a top), 段 - used for a section or segment of sth that is long, 堆 - pile, stack, heap, 朵 - for clusters of flowers, clouds, 份 - part, portion, 封 - for sth enveloped, 幅 - for paintings, photos, width of fabric, etc., 盒 - box, 家 - used for families or enterprises, 间 - room (of a house or a building), 件 - piece, 节 - section, length, 棵 - used for plants, 颗 - used for things small and roudish, 块 - piece, lump, 辆 - for vehicles, 盘 - for dishes, millstones, etc, 片 - for land,fields, bodies of water, slice, pills and other flat and small objects, 瓶 - the quantity contained in a bottle, vase or jar, 双 - pair, 所 - for buildings, institutions, 台 - for certain machinery, for perfomance such as operas, shows, concerts, 套 - a set of something (furniture, flat, books), 条 - for sth long, narrow or thin;for bar-shaped objects, 头 - for certain domestic animals;for garlic, 张 - for paper, paintings;for tables, chairs, etc, 支 - for long, thin, inflexible objects), 座 - for mountains,buildings, and other similar immovable things,
DC2 Unit 9 Lesson 5-2 量词
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