1) You are on a train and there is a draft. Ask a fellow passenger if you can close the window. 2) You are on the bus and it has driven past your stop without stopping. Complain to the driver. 3) A young child has just thrown something at you. Complain to the parent. 4) You are on a bus. You notice liquid is coming out of a passenger’s bag. Tell him/her. 5) You meet a former school friend. Greet him/her. 6) You are in a supermarket and another customer is squeezing several loaves of bread to see how fresh they are. Complain. 7) You are on a bus but no driver has come for 20 minutes. Express your annoyance to a fellow passenger. 8) You have bought a sausage at a fast food stall. It is burnt. Complain. 9) You arrive at the reception of a company. Ask to see Mr Bibby. 10) You meet a former classmate on the street. Ask them about their life nowadays. 11) You have just fallen over on an icy piece of pavement. Warn a passer-by. 12) You arrive home and find a box of apples outside your front door. Ask your neighbour about it. 13) language course. Ask the receptionist at the language school about the types of courses. You want to improve your English and sign up for a 14) You have received a book as a present but you already have it. Talk to the assistant at the bookshop. 15) You are going skiing and you want to hire the equipment for it. Tell the assistant when and how long for you need it. 16) You have an appointment with a friend in a restaurant. You are half an hour late. Apologise and give reasons. 17) You are at the doctor’s surgery because you are not feeling well. There are a lot of people waiting. You would like to see the doctor immediately. Talk to the receptionist and explain why. 18) You have just come back from a language course in England which you did not like. Tell your friend about it.

Euro B2 Part 3


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