1) A: ... is this? B: It's a bag. a) Where b) What c) Who 2) A: ... is this? B: It's Marina. She is my sister. a) Where b) How often c) Who 3) A: ... is your favourite colour? B: It's red. a) Who b) Whose c) What 4) A: ... do you go to school? B: At seven o'clock. a) What b) Where c) When 5) A: ... is my mother? B: She is in the living room. a) What b) Where c) Who 6) A: ... is your book? B: It's there, on the desk! a) When b) Where c) Whose 7) A: __________ is the party? B: It's tomorrow, at 3 o'clock! a) Where b) When c) How 8) A: _________ do you go to the swimming pool? B: Every weekend a) How often b) Where c) Who 9) A: ... is your favourite actor? B: Johny Depp a) What b) How often c) Who 10) A: ... do you have English lessons? B: Three times a week: on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. a) Where b) How often c) When 11) A: ... do you have a ruler in your bag? B: Because we have maths today. a) Why b) Who c) Where 12) A: ... don't you have breakfast in the morning? B: Because I don't have time. a) How often? b) What? c) Why?

Prepare 1 Unit 8


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