goldfish - common pet fish, xray fish - can see his bones, sea butterfly, shark - thinks your foot is a flounder, angel fish - it has two long fins on his head and throat, salmon - red fish with a green head, clam - just...yeah it's just boring, whelk - these guys actually see colorful lights but don't know what they really see, eel - electrical snakes, octopus - this bad boy has 3 hearts, angler fish - this fish has a light bulb on it's head, tadpole - baby ____, catfish - not to get confused with an actual ___, crayfish - a type of lobster, lobster - pinch pinch, crab - lives in a _____, jellyfish - sting!!!, swordfish - it has a sword-like nose, chambered nautilus - has 90 tenticales, zebra turkeyfish - spikey fish, sea monkey - looks like an alien but only grows up to 2 cm. long,also is a brine shrimpp, koi - white and orange, sea pineapple - absorbs water, plankton - smaller than shrimp, colecanth - a fossilized fish that live 2,300 feet deep at comoros islands,it is 6.5 feet long and weights 198 lbs.,

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