1) What is he doing ? a) He is walking b) He is running c) He is sleeping 2) What is she doing ? a) She is washing up b) She is sleeping c) She is crying 3) What are they doing? a) They are reading a book b) They are playing football c) They are talking on the phone 4) Is she riding a bike ? a) No,she isn't b) Yes, she is. c) Yes, she can. 5) What is he doing ? a) He is throwing a snowball b) He is reading comics. c) He is running 6) What is she doing ? a) She is walking b) She is sitting c) She is brushing her teeth 7) Is he eating biscuits? a) Yes, he is. b) No, he isn't. c) Yes, he has. 8) Who is taking a shower? a) The mouse is taking shower. b) The gorilla is taking a shower. c) The monkey is taking a shower 9) What is he playing ? a) He's playing the guitar. b) He's playing the violin. c) He is playing the recorder. 10) Are they making a salad? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren't. c) No, they isn't.

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