1) Name the solid shape. a) circle b) sphere c) rectangle 2) Name two solid shapes that you see in this hat. a) cone and sphere b) triangle and circle c) rectangle and circle 3) There are 8 bananas. A monkey ate 6 bananas.How many are left? a) 14 b) 2 c) 5 4) I have only curved sides and you play with me. What am I? a) cylinder b) cone c) sphere 5) Which numbers come next : 6, 8, 10, 12 , 14, ___, ___, ____ a) 15,16,17 b) 16,18,20 c) 9, 15,20 6) Name two days before Monday. a) Tuesday, Sunday b) Saturday, Sunday c) Tuesday,Wednesday 7) If today is Thursday, which day will be yesterday. a) Wednesday b) Friday c) Thursday 8) Name two months that come after June. a) May, July b) July , August c) September, October 9) Name the first day of the week. a) Monday b) Sunday c) Saturday 10) What do you see on a 10 rupee note? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Flag of India c) Your photo 11) Reena bought a pen for Rs.15. She paid Rs. 20 to the shopkeeper. What is the amount of change that she will get back? a) Rs.25 b) Rs.5 c) Rs.10 12) This banana costs Rs.16. Which notes and coins will you add up to pay? a) Rs.10 + Rs.5 + Re.1 b) Rs.10 + Rs.6 c) Rs.5 + Rs.5 + Rs.2 13) You come to school in the __________time. a) Afternoon b) Morning c) Evening 14) Unscramble this word: DSYUATE a) DYATSUE b) TUESDAY c) THURSDAY 15) Which days comes between Thursday and Sunday a) Tuesday and Friday b) Saturday and Monday c) Friday and Saturday 16) Which is the 12th month of the year. a) January b) February c) December 17) 18 + 2 =____ a) 17 b) 20 c) 19 18) 20 - 6 =_____ a) 26 b) 14 c) 12 19) Name the days that are called weekends. a) Sunday & Monday b) Friday and Saturday c) Saturday and Sunday 20) Complete the pattern + @ # & * + @ # & * + @ ? ? ? a) + @ * b) # & * c) & * # 21) I am a number that is 9 more than 7 . What am I ? a) 15 b) 10 c) 16 22) I come between 84 and 86. Which number am I ? a) 83 b) 87 c) 85 23) I have a 4 in the tens place. The digit in the ones place is less than one. Which number am I ? a) 04 b) 41 c) 40 24) I am a number. When you add the digits in the number , you get 10. I have a 3 in the ones place. What am I ? a) 37 b) 73 c) 55 25) I am a number that is 10 more than 53. Which number am I ? a) 43 b) 63 c) 54 26) I am greater than 50 but less than 60. I have a double digit. Which number am I ? a) 52 b) 55 c) 66 27) I have 6 ones and 8 tens . Which number am I ? a) 68 b) 86 c) 80 28) I am a number which is between 30 and 40 and I have 2 in the ones place. Which number am I ? a) 23 b) 32 c) 22 29) I have a zero in the tens place and one in the ones place. Which number am I a) 10 b) 01 c) 100 30) I am more than 4 tens. I am less than 44. I have 3 ones. Which number am I ? a) 34 b) 43 c) 40 31) I am a number which comes in between 70 and 80. My tens place is the same as the ones place. Which number am I ? a) 77 b) 75 c) 79 32) I am 5 more than 55. Which number am I ? a) 60 b) 50 c) 70 33) I am a figure with three sides . What am I ? a) Square b) Triangle c) Circle 34) I have no sides and corners . I start going in a big curve round and round. What am I ? a) Square b) Circle c) Cone 35) A deer, a rabbit and an elephant are standing together. Which is the tallest ? a) Deer b) Elephant c) Rabbit 36) Seema has a longer wooden stick than Tina .Who will use fewer sticks to measure the same table? a) Seema b) Tina c) None 37) Your show will be _________________ than your father's shoe. a) Shorter b) Longer c) Same 38) Your toothbrush is _______________ than your school bag. a) Lighter b) Heavier c) Same 39) How many tens are there in Eighty three ? a) 8 b) 3 c) 83 40) The thing that we use to measure is called _______________. a) Unit b) Pencil c) Phone 41) 17 - 7 = a) 11 b) 10 c) 18 42) Three numbers : 12 , 17 , 5. Our addition sentence will be _______________. a) 12 + 17 = 5 b) 12 + 5 = 17 c) 17+12 = 5 43) Three numbers : 4 , 18, 14. Our subtraction sentence will be _____________. a) 18 - 14 = 4 b) 14 - 18 = 4 c) 4 - 18 = 14 44) There are 17 birds on the tree. 3 flew away. How many birds are left on the tree ? a) 20 b) 14 c) 4 45) I am less than 12. I am not 11 . I am 6+3. Which number am I ? a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 46) How do I expand this number 75 ? a) 5 tens and 7 ones b) 7 tens and 5 ones c) 7 tens 47) What is 5 tens ? a) 55 b) 5 c) 50 48) 12 - 0 = _____ a) 12 b) 0 c) 11 49) 9 - 9 = _______ a) 0 b) 18 c) 10 50) I am a number that comes after 78. What am I a) 79 b) 80 c) 77

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