1) Which animal lives in Antarctica? a) Penguins b) Zebras c) Lions d) Camel 2) Which one is the biggest continent? a) Europe b) Asia c) Australia d) Africa 3) Which one of these famous landmarks is in North America?  a) Golden Gate Bridge b) Eiffel Tower c) Pisa Tower d) London Eye 4) Which animal lives in Africa?  a) Lion b) Penguins c) Unicorns d) Polar Bears 5) 4+5=? a) 6 b) 7 c) 11 d) 9 6) 7+2=? a) 9 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12 7) 4+1=? a) 9 b) 8 c) 5 d) 10

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